Monday, August 14, 2006

Meet Me At The Top Of The Mountain

Meet Me At The Top Of The Mountain
Acrylic on Canvas
3' x 2'
This painting was done for my grandfather, Guillermo Luis Zuloaga, for his birthday. He didn't believe I could paint, so I painted him this. He requested a landscape, which is not the type of work I am used to doing, but I wanted to do it for him. So- I chose something that he loves- GOLF. 'Meet Me At The Top Of The Mountain' is my version of a golf course in Hawaii.....I'm not even sure on which island. This now hangs above his couch in his living room, and he can proudly say "my grand-daughter painted that for me".


1 1/2 ' x 2'
Acrylic on Canvas
Not for sale.

Blue is not for sale because she is my first peice that I did when I was 17 years old. I am going to re-create her in the form of prints so others can enjoy her, but I think she will forever hang on my wall as my inspiration to keep painting. She began as an art project my senior year of high school- I was to combine 2 images and create 1 image. So, I chose the profile of a bush woman from Africa from a National Geographic magazine and the latest album cover from Guru, a hip-hop artist that was big in the early '90's. She represents the wisdom of an old soul, the grace of beauty, and the flava of the fresh.